Leverage Your Work #LeverageUp

If this blog is going to be effective you’ll see many short form posts. Posts that will often not be representative of my best work. Poor grammar. Rambling thoughts. Etc.

Why would I publish content of this sort? Simple. Perfect is the enemy of good enough. And what qualifies as good enough is relative. If I’m working on a professional report, there’s one standard. If I’m blogging online to build a following, I’ve got to hold myself to a lower standard. Otherwise, I’ll never get it done – as is evidenced by the fact that this domain was registered in 2014…

In any case, the point of this post – really, the point of this blog – is that we all do a ton of work. We’ve already done a ton of work. I don’t understand why we don’t leverage it more. That’s a rhetorical question since I’m the prime culprit when it comes to this. But I’m doing my best to leverage everything I do from now on. Hence #LeverageUp

Everything we write for work – if you’re in school all your papers or homework – it’s all knowledge your garnering. Expertise you’ve built. And unless you’ve lived under a rock your entire life, I’ve got to believe we are all experts in something.

How to Leverage Up?

Well that’s the point of reading this blog. To gain ideas and strategies on ways that we can all leverage our work. I don’t have it all laid out yet but I see the vision clearly.

This blog will document my journey to leverage everything In my life and have my ongoing initiatives yield additional benefits. Leverage my work to create additional income streams. Passive or not. The idea is to find the path of least resistance.

Why Now?

Well, last week I sold my entire stock portfolio to buy another rental property. I’ve run out of, how Warren Buffet puts it, dry powder, and I need to find a way to increase my income.

This brings me to my next point. Part of my leveraging my work is documenting what I do. And because some of my work is sensitive to public perception I need to protect my identity, at least for the time being. So I’m telling you right now: I won’t always be honest, I may at times change minor facts or names to throw off the reader from my scent. That’s ok because honestly if you’re too caught up in the details your missing the big picture.

Lastly, this one blog won’t have any targeted strategy. It really will be writing just to write. I will likely have other sites that use SEO and targeted strategies it Im hoping that this blog can be proof that even without SEO, enough content will get you found.